Many projects, particularly those in military and government sectors, require an eye on the environment, be it a Low Impact Development (LID) storm water system or erosion control method, or even LEED® certification. Because CSD Engineering has LEED® accredited professionals on staff, we offer both LEED® and LID design services to all of our clients, even when such rigorous standards aren’t called for. Why? Because CSD Engineering believes in the philosophies and approaches used by LEED® and LID; not only do they protect the environment during and after construction, these approaches protect the integrity of the job site and ensure the longevity of site improvements.
CSD Engineering’s LEED® Accredited Professionals have worked on multiple projects which have gone on to achieve LEED® certification, ensuring these projects meet strict criteria in design and implementation.
LEED® – Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design—is an internationally recognized green building certification system. Started by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) to ensure buildings and programs meet stringent environmental standards in design and construction, LEED® encompasses many standards and protocols, including, but not limited to: energy and water consumption, reduction of waste during construction and operation, lower operating costs, and sustainability. Since the USGBC’s inception in 1993 and the first version of LEED® guidelines in 2000, the USGBC has continued to evolve LEED® standards to reflect current best practices.
Low Impact Development, or LID, is a stormwater management approach that uses a series of micro-control methods (as opposed to end-of-pipe control and treatment methods) to mitigate the impact of stormwater. This versatile approach uses several controls in combination and is suitable for new development, redevelopment, and revitalization projects. By using a series of rain gardens, tree box filters, and other bioretention strategies; permeable pavers and asphalt as well as pervious concrete; cisterns, rain barrels, and other rain catchment systems; and other methods, LID is able to reduce negative impacts brought on by stormwater.